Episode 15 | Santa’s Naughty or Nice List

Show Notes

There is something so beautiful and magical about the holiday season and celebrating Christmas. But have you ever taken a second to question some of the traditions that may seem cute at top level but are so cringy when you “take the magic away”? 

This year, my daughter came home from school with the Elf of the Shelf hype, and on this episode I break down a few thoughts that I’ve had brewing in my brain for the last few weeks concerning the message behind this tradition. It is worth the listen!

Podcast Episode References

Episode 1 | Vida With Christie

Episode 3 | Christmas in Two Cultures


Consent Parenting

I mentioned Consent Parenting in this episode as I find them to be an excellent resource for parents to keep their kids safe from sexual abuse, and for teaching them about safety.

Coincidentally, when I visited the Consent Parenting Instagram I found that Rosalia Rivera has recently written an article for Motherly that ties directly into this episode’s topic. As I mentioned in the podcast episode, I thought that I was possibly overthinking this topic but after following my instincts I am on the right track after all.

Have a comment or question about this episode? Leave it in the comments below or get in touch with me onΒ Facebook,Β TwitterΒ orΒ Instagram.

Vida With Christie