Tag: Personal

Vida With Christie Podcast

My Surgery Story | Getting My Tubes Tied

My Tubal Ligation Surgery Experience After a long wait, I was finally able to get tubal ligation surgery; I got my tubes tied! I had no idea what the experience would be like beyond what my doctors had explained to me so I thought making a video about my experience could help others who aren’t […]

Vida With Christie

Episode 12 | We Are All Going Through Something

Show Notes In this impromptu episode, I discuss how this pandemic has added another layers to the many things that we are all going through in our day to day lives. Regardless of what this pandemic has brought us, we need to continue to do the hard work within ourselves to recuperate and heal.  I […]

Episode 9 | The Radical Self Love of a Mother

To love yourself unconditionally in a space that is consistantly reminding you of “your flaws” is radical.