Tag: Mental Health

Episode 43 | Latina Motherhood with Gilza Fort Martinez

Gilza Fort Martinez is a Latina licensed marriage and family therapist who provided incredible insight on the cultural complexities of Latina motherhood.

Episode 35 | Rompiendo Ciclos Intergeneracionales

En mi primer episodio en español, les cuento sobre el tema de romper ciclos intergeneracionales y como este proceso me ayuda ser mejor madre.

Three generations, two women and a young girl look up while standing in a line.

Episode 34 | Breaking Intergenerational Cycles

Show Notes My podcast came from an idea of sharing my experiences and lessons as a parent, and how I parent differently than I was parented. My parenting approach is different because I wanted to break from what we know call “intergenerational cycles”. This is truly the foundationof the work I do on this podcast.  […]

Episode 33 | Helping Kids Face Tough Challenges with Sara Olsher of Mighty and Bright

Sara shares her incredible story of resilience which led her to create Mighty and Bright, a company supporting families facing tough challenges.

Parenting Podcast

Episode 4: Parenting Through Coronavirus (Part 1)

Show Notes Parenting through Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a challenge many of us had never imagined within our plans of what raising our children would be like; but here we are! In this part one of two episode, I share my experience speaking to my child about Coronavirus in a honest and caring manner, the new […]