Episode 13 | Teaching Kids About Self Care

Vida With Christie Podcast

Show Notes

Self care has become a very trendy topic in the last few years. As a result, many of us are often striving for self care – but what does it really mean to take care of ourselves? Some of us have found ourselves struggling to figure out how to truly care for ourselves, especially since we have often been taught to put everything else but ourselves first. So how exactly can we teach our kids something that we often struggle with ourselves? 

In this episode, we break down what self care means, how we can lead by example to teach our kids to practice self care and how we can support them on this journey. Self care is much more than going on vacation or getting our nails done, and the work is not easy but very much worth it. 


“Parents may feel like they’re neglecting the many demands on them when they take time for self-care, but taking time to recharge and re-center can provide reserves of energy for work and family tasks,” Arcus says. “And setting this example is important as children may learn more from what we do than what we say.”

Doreen Arcus

Article: They Need Me-Time, Too: A Self-Care Checklist To Do With Your Kids Parents.com

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Vida With Christie