Episode 8 | When You’re Done Having Babies

Vida With Christie

Making the decision to officially not have any more children is not always an easy one. There are so many factors that contribute to this decision; such as financial circumstances, the number of children you already have, lifestyle choices, and so much more. Each family has their own unique set of elements to consider when arriving to this decision.

Of course, the decision to not have any more children should be made between yourself and your partner only. It should be a private and intimate decision; however, this is not always the case. Many times you will find yourself with many external voices telling you how many children you should have, how you should have just one more, or how you should even have another in hopes you have children of male AND female gender (as if this is even something you can actually pick), and on and on. But those in our lives with those strong opinions are not the ones actually raising YOUR children, so how do you shut them out? Whether it is your mother or the neighbour down the street, someone will always have something to say about your body and your choices, so in this episode we discuss how challenging this can be. You’re not alone.

During this episode, I also included a segment en español at the end. I recognize that it is a factor of our Latin American culture to have those strong opinions always happy to provide their two cents. Pero si esas voces no son las que van a criar a nuestros hijxs, entonces porque no mejor se quedan calladas? Si solo fuera tan facil! Aunque estas opiniones sobre el tema de si tener un bebe mas o no son “normal” en nuestra cultura, no se ignifica que las tenemos que aceptar. En este episodio hablamos de formas como tratar de silenciar a estas voces y enpoderarnos para vivir por si mismas (o mismos).

Para escuchar el segmento en español, comienzen el episodio en 45:30.

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Vida With Christie