Tag: Pandemic Parenting

Gabrielle Chrichlow facing the camera while wearing a floral top with trees in the background.

Episode 42 | Supporting Kids Through Tutoring with Gabrielle Crichlow

Gabrielle Crichlow of A Step Ahead Tutoring Services shares with us about how we can support our kids through tutoring and its benefits.

A mother puts a mask on her young child as she gets ready for school.

Episode 38 | Pandemic Parenting: It’s Not Over Yet

Show Notes While we’d love to think that this pandemic is over, the unfortunate truth is that we are still living in it. As parents, many of us have gone above and beyond thus far to ensure the safety and well-being of our children, and because of this we have been one of the most […]

Episode 31 | 2021 Reflections

On the last episode of the year, I reflect on what it has been like to survive 2021 in a pandemic and set intentions for 2022.

Episode 26 | Are We Ready To Go Back To School?

We’re still in a pandemic, with COVID cases rising each day, and we’re expected to send out kids back to school. Are we parents ready?

A mother and daughter sit at a table and paint a ceramic cactus.

Episode 20 | Parenting In A Pandemic: One Year Later

A year into the pandemic and the challenges for parents are still present. In this episode I reflect on my personal experiences and how I’ve overcome the pandemic thus far.

A young girl on with headphones on in front of a laptop.

Free Online Activities For Kids

We have found ourselves in yet another “lock down” in Ontario. With the April Break just a few days away, many parents are scrambling to figure out how we’re going to keep our kids busy during that week. In general though, many kids are now home full time as a result of remote learning, so […]

Vida With Christie Podcast

Episode 17 | Parenting A School Aged Child In A Pandemic

Online learning has been a challenge for kids and parents, there is no doubt about it. In this episode, I discuss my experience as a working parent that has been supporting her child through online learning and my feelings about her going back to school for in-person classes. In addition, I discuss the lessons that […]

Vida With Christie

Halloween Activities That Are Not Trick-Or-Treating

There are so many more fun and spooky options other than trick-or-treating to celebrate Halloween. Give some of these a try!

Do it yourself necklace for face mask

DIY Face Mask Lanyard

Learn how to make your very own face mask lanyard with my step by step instructions.

Preparing Kids for “Back to School” in a Pandemic

Getting your kids ready for school in a pandemic and feeling overwhelmed? Learn how I am preparing my child to go back to school and some of the items I have added to my back to school shopping list that are special for this year.