Category: Parenting

Episode 45: Decolonized Motherhood

In this episode of the Decolonized Motherhood Podcast, previously known as the Vida With Christie Podcast, I share with you the new direction for this project and what it is all about; and most importantly why this work is so important and so close to my heart.

Episode 43 | Latina Motherhood with Gilza Fort Martinez

Gilza Fort Martinez is a Latina licensed marriage and family therapist who provided incredible insight on the cultural complexities of Latina motherhood.

Gabrielle Chrichlow facing the camera while wearing a floral top with trees in the background.

Episode 42 | Supporting Kids Through Tutoring with Gabrielle Crichlow

Gabrielle Crichlow of A Step Ahead Tutoring Services shares with us about how we can support our kids through tutoring and its benefits.

Danielle Meadows-Stinnett posing with red framed glasses and a white Incredible Hulk vintage style t-shirt

Episode 41 | Speaking to Children About Autism with Danielle Meadows-Stinnett

Danielle Meadows-Stinnett shares about her experiences as the superheroine mama to a child with autism and redefining quality time as a family.

A mother puts a mask on her young child as she gets ready for school.

Episode 38 | Pandemic Parenting: It’s Not Over Yet

Show Notes While we’d love to think that this pandemic is over, the unfortunate truth is that we are still living in it. As parents, many of us have gone above and beyond thus far to ensure the safety and well-being of our children, and because of this we have been one of the most […]

Episode 37 | Parenting Wholeheartedly with Danielle Bettmann

Show Notes Danielle Bettmann is an incredible parenting coach and educator who I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with on various ocassions. On this episode, Danielle and I speak about nurturing the relationship that we have with our kids from a young age to the teenage years and beyond, the complexities of having a co-parent […]

Episode 36 | Parenting in Uniform with Lieutenant Colonel Claudia Peña

Lieutenant Colonel Claudia Peña taught us about parenting in uniform and her work advocating for women in leadership within the line of duty.

Three generations, two women and a young girl look up while standing in a line.

Episode 34 | Breaking Intergenerational Cycles

Show Notes My podcast came from an idea of sharing my experiences and lessons as a parent, and how I parent differently than I was parented. My parenting approach is different because I wanted to break from what we know call “intergenerational cycles”. This is truly the foundationof the work I do on this podcast.  […]

Episode 33 | Helping Kids Face Tough Challenges with Sara Olsher of Mighty and Bright

Sara shares her incredible story of resilience which led her to create Mighty and Bright, a company supporting families facing tough challenges.

Episode 32 | Facing Parenting Challenges With Positivity with Tee of Positivitee x2 Podcast

Tee of Positivitee x2 Podcast is an inspiration when it comes to facing parenting challenges with a positive attitude. She drops incredible gems we could all apply to our daily lives in this episode.