Episode 38 | Pandemic Parenting: It’s Not Over Yet

A mother puts a mask on her young child as she gets ready for school.

Show Notes

While we’d love to think that this pandemic is over, the unfortunate truth is that we are still living in it. As parents, many of us have gone above and beyond thus far to ensure the safety and well-being of our children, and because of this we have been one of the most affected demographics since March 2020.

As we prepare our children to return to school, on this episode I reflect on the current status of the COVID19 pandemic in Ontario, the safety measures our family will take to ensure our child is safe, and concerns from a parenting standpoint of things I wish would have happened to better protect our school communities. After all, overcoming this pandemic is a community effort. 

Episode Quotes

Episode 38 | Pandemic Parenting: It's Not Over Yet - Vida With Christie Podcast
Episode 38 | Pandemic Parenting: It's Not Over Yet - Vida With Christie Podcast

Episode Resources

Ontario COVID19 Data Tool

The Ontario COVID19 Data Tool is the source I used in the data mentioned in the episode.

It is important to mention that the results reflected on this website are from laboratory tests, and therefore do not include at home test kit results. As a result, the Ontario COVID19 Data Tool is likely to have much less reported positive cases than the actual number of cases within the province of Ontario. As at-home rapid test results are not tracked, we do not know how many at-home rapid tests are taken at any given time or their results.


Flashfood is an app, available on Android and iOS, which allows you to save money on groceries while fighting food waste. As I mentioned in this episode, I have been using it throughout the summer and I am incredibly impressed with the service, from how much money I’ve saved on my grocery bill to how convenient it is. One of the highlights is that it also encourages me to get creative with meals depending on what is included in my veggie boxes.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way sponsored by Flashfood or its affiliates. But rather I am sharing an honest and genuine review of a product/service which I have grown to love with my audiences.

Pandemic Parenting

I’ve created a collection of content and compiled resources under the tag “Pandemic Parenting“. Feel free to check out other podcast episodes and blog posts on vidawithchristie.com.

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Vida With Christie