Month: April 2021

A mother and daughter sit at a table and paint a ceramic cactus.

Episode 20 | Parenting In A Pandemic: One Year Later

A year into the pandemic and the challenges for parents are still present. In this episode I reflect on my personal experiences and how I’ve overcome the pandemic thus far.

A young girl on with headphones on in front of a laptop.

Free Online Activities For Kids

We have found ourselves in yet another “lock down” in Ontario. With the April Break just a few days away, many parents are scrambling to figure out how we’re going to keep our kids busy during that week. In general though, many kids are now home full time as a result of remote learning, so […]

Vida With Christie

Episode 19 | One Year Anniversary

Show Notes One year has flowed by since the launch (re-launch) of this podcast. I recorded a short episode to reflect on the last year and celebrate the things that I’ve achieved thanks to this podcast and y efforts. In addition, I encourage you to follow your goals and dreams witha few take-aways.  Connect with […]